Tag Archives: Advanced reactors
Exploring the Role of Advanced Nuclear in Future Energy Markets: Economic Drivers, Barriers, and Impacts in the United States
This study investigates the conditions under which nuclear power could play a role in future markets, using EPRI’s U.S. Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy (US-REGEN) model.
Owner-Operator Requirements Guide (ORG) for Advanced Reactors, Revision 0
Drawing on input from utilities, vendors, and technology developers, this report examines what utilities and other potential nuclear plant owner-operators want and need with respect to advanced reactor technologies. It provides guidance in numerous areas, including cyber security, licensing and safety analysis, design, construction, operation, and technologies.
Dynamic Nuclear Fuel Cycle Modeling for Evaluating Liquid-Fueled Molten Salt Reactor Designs
This study evaluated the availability and readiness of data and nuclear fuel cycle simulation tools to model the performance of liquid-fueled molten salt nuclear reactors.
Review of Advanced Reactor Technology with Emphasis on Light-Water and Non-Light-Water Small Modular Reactor Designs
This report examines light water small modular reactors and other advanced nuclear reactor technologies (based primarily on coolants other than water), focusing on state of the technology, economics, siting requirements, regulatory frameworks, markets, and future developments.