Tag Archives: Water chemistry
Demonstration of Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis for Chloride and Sulfate Analysis
For tracking chloride and sulfate concentrations in nuclear plants, most operators sample reactor coolant or steam generator blowdown daily and analyze samples with ion chromatography instruments in a plant laboratory. As an alternative to this resource-intensive approach, EPRI examined microchip capillary electrophoresis, a new technology that can potentially be used for online monitoring of chloride […]
Demonstration of Boiling Water Reactor Crud Deposition in a Laboratory
Crud (radioactive deposits on nuclear fuel rods) can increase the risk of fuel failures in boiling water nuclear reactors. This study demonstrated the deposition of crud in laboratory-simulated nuclear plant operating conditions, with an objective to better understand the effects of different elements (such as zinc, copper, and silicon) on crud structure and to confirm […]