Post Reviews

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1985

EPRI Journal 1985 No. 2

The primary focus of EPRl's nuclear power program is to help preserve the…

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1985

EPRI Journal 1985 No. 1

Coal may have to provide up to 70% of the nation's total electricity…

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 10

Since the electric utility industry began, it has been involved in some form…

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 9

Robotics technology holds promise for contributing to a threefold need in nuclear power…

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 8

Like so many other goods and services, electricity isn't likely to get cheaper…

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 7

Ten years ago, many of us believed that as new technologies offering substantial…

by Semaj Marsh - 28.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 6

An important part of EPRl's work for the utility industry is perceived as…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 5

If you're like most people, you probably take lighting for granted: You flip…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1984

EPRI Journal 1984 No. 4

The goal of the Advanced Power Systems Division is to develop modular generating…