Post Reviews

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1983

EPRI Journal 1983 No. 2

Estimating the value of new power supply technologies, the subject of this month's…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1983

EPRI Journal 1983 No. 1

Evolution-the process of orderly, incremental change-can take millions of years to become apparent…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 10

Utility forecasting of energy services has entered a new era. No longer are…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 9

Reliability of a turbine, a boiler, or a transmission line is of great…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 8

Environmental control devices on a new coal-fired power plant today can represent nearly…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 7

The Cool Water coal gasification project, featured in this issue, involves not only…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 6

Human resources-the most valuable asset of any enterprisehave become a focal point for…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 5

Electric plasma arc torches at 10,000 ° F are reducing low-grade ores to…

by Semaj Marsh - 27.01.1982

EPRI Journal 1982 No. 4

Public acceptance of nuclear power has been adversely biased by the perception that…