Post Reviews

by Semaj Marsh - 04.01.1978

EPRI Journal 1978 No. 05

This month's lead article sweeps the long history of de transmission and goes…

by Semaj Marsh - 04.01.1978

EPRI Journal 1978 No. 04

In a recent editorial, William C. Hayes of Electrical World asked, "How much…

by Semaj Marsh - 04.01.1978

EPRI Journal 1978 No. 03

Prophecies of imminent shortages of critical materials litter the recorded history of civilization.…

by Semaj Marsh - 04.01.1978

EPRI Journal 1978 No. 02

A major difficulty in dealing with solar energy is the often-overlooked reality that…

by Semaj Marsh - 04.01.1978

EPRI Journal 1978 No. 01

Five years ago to the day, Chauncey Starr accepted the job of transforming…

by Semaj Marsh - 03.01.1977

EPRI Journal 1977 No. 10

While Nero fiddled, Rome burned-and so it may be with society as we…

by Semaj Marsh - 03.01.1977

EPRI Journal 1977 No. 09

In recent years we have begun to recognize that our resources of energy,…

by Semaj Marsh - 03.01.1977

EPRI Journal 1977 No. 08

Martin Greenberger, the author of this month's cover article, has noted elsewhere that…

by Semaj Marsh - 03.01.1977

EPRI Journal 1977 No. 07

How EPRI is meeting its utility members' needs for more sophisticated and validated…